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Child planting seedling

Seedlings Club

Grow On Katikati’s Seedlings Club is a unique growing club for children aged 6 to 10 years. It's informative, inspiring, and lots of fun!


The Club runs during school term, every second Wednesday, from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

To book your child's space, call or text Janet on +64 21 0236 7038.

Children weaving flax
Children displaying their bug hotels.
Child making crafts at Seedlings Club

At Grow On Katikati, we know that it’s crucial to teach children life skills that will prepare them for the future, like how to grow their own food and how to care for the environment. A bonus to their learning is that the children take their excitement (and projects) home, so knowledge and food resilience spreads organically to their families and the wider community. 

Plus! The research is clear that children who grow their own food are far more likely to eat it... and we all want that fresh nutritious goodness supporting our childrens' growth, brain function, and immune system!

Seedlings Club is run by the lovely Janet Abery (that's her below), a retired teacher who is helped out by two teenaged volunteers.









Children have a natural curiosity about the world, so they love the club projects, activities and experiments. Creating a succulent garden in a teacup, making their own bird feeders and bug hotels, creating a compost or worm farm in a jar, as well as how to grow their own food.

The Club has it's own small raised garden built by the Community Centre, where the children can practice what they’ve learnt by sowing, nurturing and harvesting their own food. The Club also has a worm farm where they can feed their fruit snack skins to the worms. They then collect the vermicast and use it to feed their vege garden, teaching the ultimate in recycling! Any excess is shared to the pātaka kai in the front of the Community Centre, so the children also learn the value of sharing, support, and commUNITY. 












If you have any queries or would like to join your child up with the

Seedlings Club, call or text Janet on +64 21 0236 7038.

Meet our Seedlings Club supervisor

Janet Arbery, supervisor of Seedlings Club
Community Centre garden bed
Child making a bird house at Seedlings Club

Thank you!

Our grateful thanks to our wonderful supporters who make Seedlings Club possible!


Morris Moore Farms whose sponsorship covers room hire and any purchases needed for the children’s projects.

Tui Garden Products for donating our worm farm.

Logo for Morris Moore Farms, sponsors of Seedlings Club
Logo of Tui Garden Products, supporters of Seedlings Club
Child planting seedling

"The glory of  gardening:
hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature."

                         Alfred Austin

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